You are here:  » Installation


  1. Download for Joomla into a temporary directory on your local computer.
  2. Login to the /administrator/ area of your Joomla installation.
  3. Go to Extensions > Extension Manager > Upload Package File. Select the .zip file saved in step 1 and click Upload & Install. If installation fails due to file permission errors see Note 1 below.
  4. Go to Extensions > Plugin Manager and filter the page using the keyword "pto" to reveal the "plg_pto Content" and "plg_pto System" plugins. Select both plugins and then click Enable.
  5. Go to Components > Modify the Virtual settings if required and the External settings equivalent to the corresponding values in config.php and config.advanced.php of your Price Tapestry installation and then click Save.
    • External / Base HREF should be the full URL to your Price Tapestry installation.
    • External / Install Path is the file system location of your Price Tapestry installation.

    Note: The correct values for External / Base HREF and External / Install Path for your system can be found on the Support Info page of the /admin/ area of your Price Tapestry installation.

  6. That's it! Browse to /shopping/ to test your new installation.

Note 1:
The following folders must be writable by PHP in order to use Joomla's built-in automatic extension installation process:


The easiest way to make folders writable by PHP is normally using your FTP program. In the remote window, right-click each folder to be modified and click Permissions... (or sometimes Properties... and then Permissions). Then give WRITE access to all users - OWNER / GROUP / WORLD.