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Multiple prices for same item

Submitted by shaunmac on Thu, 2015-07-30 14:18 in

I have a site where I have a couple prices for the same item from the same merchant and need to see how to list them all. Example I have a seed site where I have seed "A" and prices for a single seed that show on my site. But I need to also show prices for 3, 5, and 10 of seed "A" all from same merchant as well as all other merchants. The name and feed is the same but it is only showing the first listing for a given name for each merchant and skipping the rest.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-07-30 14:50

Hello Shaun,

In most cases this can be done simply by dropping the UNIQUE dupe_filter key on the pt_products table (this is what prevents multiple products of the same name being imported for the same merchant). To do this, create a dbmod.php script as follows;

$sql "DROP INDEX dupe_filter ON `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products`";

Upload and browse to from the top level folder of your Price Tapestry installation ( e.g. /pt/ ) and then finally re-import all feeds to complete the changes.

Hope this helps!


Submitted by shaunmac on Thu, 2015-07-30 15:31

It worked but now my product search is off. {link saved}

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-07-30 15:51

Hi Shaun,

As a result of permitting duplicate names per merchant, this may now have put many of your keywords (depending upon the nature of your data) over the 50% threshold for FULLTEXT indexing, however this is configurable for just this scenario.

For standalone Price Tapestry / testing within the Price Tapestry installation as used by your for WordPress installation, edit config.advanced.php and edit line 8 as follows;

  $config_useFullText = FALSE;

Similarly, within configuration (/wp-admin/ > Settings >, scroll down to the External section, and set drop-down box alongside the correponding option ($config_useFullText) to False, and then save settings...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by shaunmac on Thu, 2015-07-30 18:07

I changed my "$config_useFullText = FALSE;" but its still doing it. If I search for something with more than one result the whole search page stops working.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2015-07-31 08:12

Hello Shaun,

Sorry about that - please could you email me links to both working and non-working results pages, and also confirm the path to the associated Price Tapestry installation (e.g. /pt/) and I'll check it out for you...
