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External Scripts Migration - featuredExternal.php

Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-08-12 11:30 in

featuredExternal.php calling code:

$common_path "/path/to/pricetapestry/";
?> equivalent (Default Featured Products):

[pto featured=""] equivalent (Featured Products Section):

[pto featured="section"]

Featured Products Sections are specified using a section/ prefix within the Featured Products tool of your Price Tapestry installation's admin area. For example, with the following Featured Products configuration:

Product 1
Product 2
section1/Product 3
section1/Product 4
section2/Product 5
section2/Product 6

...Product 1 and Product 2 are the default Featured Products. Using:

[pto featured="section1"]

...would display Product 3 and Product 4, and similarly using:

[pto featured="section2"]

...would display Product 5 and Product 6.