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No search results after updating to WP 6.5.2

Submitted by nanaz on Thu, 2024-04-11 07:00 in

Hi David,

Long time no see! I hope you can help. After upgrading to WP 6.5.2 (from 6.4.latest) I no longer have searchresults, so no category or productpages. Shortcodes used in wp pages do work.

After setting WP_DEBUG to true there's a warning:

{code saved}

I can't find out what's the problem. Some extras have been added to pto.php so I can also send you the file if that's convenient.

Thank you!

Kind regards, Marlies

Submitted by support on Thu, 2024-04-11 07:46

Hello Marlies,

I'm aware that there are some issues with the plugin and latest version of the 6. branch, i'm going to set up a 6.5.2 test environment and create a maintenance patch as soon as possible, hopefully there aren't too many changes required and I can document the modifications easily for manually updating a modified installation...

Hopefully at some point next week, i'll post an update as soon as it's available...


Submitted by nanaz on Thu, 2024-04-11 07:52

Hi David,

I will revert WP until then. So good to hear you will still help, thank you so much.

Kind regards,


Submitted by support on Thu, 2024-04-25 13:05

Hi everyone,

Thanks for bearing with me, it may be a couple or more weeks before I am able to publish a maintenance release for 6.5.2, as soon as available i'll update this thread.
