Hi David,
Long time no see! I hope you can help. After upgrading to WP 6.5.2 (from 6.4.latest) I no longer have searchresults, so no category or productpages. Shortcodes used in wp pages do work.
After setting WP_DEBUG to true there's a warning:
{code saved}
I can't find out what's the problem. Some extras have been added to pto.php so I can also send you the file if that's convenient.
Thank you!
Kind regards, Marlies
Hi David,
I will revert WP until then. So good to hear you will still help, thank you so much.
Kind regards,
Hi everyone,
Thanks for bearing with me, it may be a couple or more weeks before I am able to publish a maintenance release for 6.5.2, as soon as available i'll update this thread.
Hello Marlies,
I'm aware that there are some issues with the plugin and latest version of the 6. branch, i'm going to set up a 6.5.2 test environment and create a maintenance patch as soon as possible, hopefully there aren't too many changes required and I can document the modifications easily for manually updating a modified installation...
Hopefully at some point next week, i'll post an update as soon as it's available...