You are here:  » Proposal to offer an option to import and create actual WordPress pages or posts per product (updated)

Proposal to offer an option to import and create actual WordPress pages or posts per product (updated)

Submitted by support on Thu, 2016-09-15 12:48 in

Hi everybody,

Following significant interest in the option to generate actual WordPress pages or posts to use as an alternative to the virtual pages generated by for WordPress, version 3 is nearing completion and will be available for beta testing shortly.

It does not replace the existing method of operation as many users find this an extremely convenient way to supplement an existing WordPress blog with a "shopping" area generated in real time from the Price Tapestry managed product database. Instead, the update provides an "import" function to generate product pages as actual WordPress pages or posts, based on the Product / Main template (wp-admin > Settings > and containing the [pto prices...] shortcode, meaning that each product page or post would display the real time live price comparison table from the Price Tapestry managed product database.

If this would be of interest to you and you have not already done so, please register for beta testing here.
