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Info regarding BETA3 update [RESOLVED]

Submitted by support on Tue, 2011-11-29 14:57 in

Hi everyone,

On 21/11/11 I posted an update to BETA3 to prevent re-building of the WordPress rewrite rules cache on every page view (which is a relatively slow operation). The modification used a flag to detect when settings had been changed and only re-built the rewrite rules when that flag was set; however it turns out that may not be sufficient and there are other conditions under which WordPress flushes the rewrite rules cache.

I am investigating this at the moment and will post an update to BETA3 shortly. In the mean time; if you find that the virtual pages (/category, /brand etc.) are no longer being served and instead return your site's default 404 (Not Found) page, returning to wp-admin > Settings > and then saving settings will restore the rules.


Submitted by support on Sat, 2011-12-03 11:55

Hi everyone,

This has been resolved in the BETA3 distribution which is now generating the virtual rewrite rules without using the flush rules function unnecessarily.
