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BETA4 (RC1) for WordPress now available

Submitted by support on Mon, 2011-12-12 09:51 in

Hi everyone,

BETA4 / Release Candidate 1 for WordPress is now available to download.

I would recommend all users running previous beta versions upgrade to this distribution and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been running the beta for all the feedback received. To upgrade, simply upload the latest distribution over the existing files. All settings will be preserved.

Changes and additional features as follows:

- wp_head Remove Actions removed from Advanced settings. This has been replaced by a more comprehensive setting "Header Exclusivity". Setting Header Exclusivity to TRUE will prevent any 3rd party plugins from overwriting dynamically generated title, meta and canonical tags on the dynamically generated virtual pages.

- API module architecture in place. The API modules are a popular addition to stand-alone Price Tapestry installations that enable search results and product pages to be complimented by live results from various API services such as Amazon and eBay. API modules for use within the plugin will be published shortly.
