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Additional indexed fields

Submitted by marco@flapper on Tue, 2011-12-27 12:01 in

I was thinking about a PT installtion with an additional indexed field on a Wordpress multisite site.

Is it just like this for the pt installation: or does the plugin needs also more modifications?

And in the process the extra field is created in the database with the dbmod.php. Can I use the same code?

And how does it work in the multisite wordpress database? For example can I still have a normal pt installation with no additional indexed fields besides the pt installtion with additional indexed fiels?

Submitted by support on Tue, 2011-12-27 12:54

Hello Marco,

There shouldn't need to be any special considerations for using additional fields within a multisite installation of the plugin; after adding your new field(s) following the normal instructions ( ) the fields will be available to use in the Product / Main and Prices / Each templates (wp-admin > Settings > using %DB_fieldname%

Bear in mind however that if accessing different Price Tapestry installations they would all need to have had the same additional fields added using the same dbmod.php file for each of them. There isn't really any concept of having the plugin using additional fields and a normal Price Tapestry installation without as the fields would need to be in the database of the normal installation; however that doesn't mean that you have to display the fields on the normal installation - you can only display them within the plugin if you want to...


Submitted by marco@flapper on Thu, 2011-12-29 12:36

I was thinking on using it on a Wordpress multisite. With for example one website that goes to a 'normal' PT installation and one that uses the PT installation with additional indexed field.

I allready have the multisite running with on it the plugin on a normal PT installation but was reflecting on the dbmod for the additional indexed field for a new website on the multisite. I understand now that every PT installation go into the same database but in another table. So adding an additional indexed field on one of the PT installations only adds it to one of the tables. So it doesn't impact the other existing PT installations which don't have the extra additional indexed field.

I'll try it out in the new year.
