I would like to add call to action images in the product pages and in the search results under each product instead of 'More Information' I've tried this adding additional code in the HTML in the Wordpress plugin settings but it doesn't work.
Hello David,
How is the best way to add call to actions buttons in the 3.0 version?
Thanks Jan Roel
Hello David,
When i add the call to action button like described above. Then the image are becomming very big. But the .png file is only 125x25px. Do you know how this is possible?
Hello Jan,
It's possible that your theme is styling images to 100% width or height which is a common feature of responsive designs. You could add a style attribute to the image with the !important flag e.g.
<img border='0' style='width:125px !important;height:25px !important' src='/visitstore.gif' />
...or alternatively give the image a class attribute e.g.
<img border='0' class='pto_cta' src='/visitstore.gif' />
And then in resources/pto.css add:
.pto_cta {
width: 125px !important;
height: 25px !important;
(don't forget to do a hard refresh - normally CTRL+F5 - in your browser after modifying CSS to ensure that it is reloaded...)
Hi Kimarie,
It's most likely down to the location of the images relative to the page URL that the code is appearing on.
If you upload your call to action images to the top level directory of your site as compareprices.gif, moreinformation.gif and visitstore.gif, have a go with the following.
In wp-admin > Settings > PriceTapestry.org > HTML > Search Results / Each look for :
<nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'>Compare Prices</a></nobr>
...and REPLACE with:
<nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'><img border='0' src='/compareprices.gif' /></a></nobr>
Then look for:
<nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'>More Information</a></nobr>
...and REPLACE with:
<nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'><img border='0' src='/moreinformation.gif' /></a></nobr>
And finally in HTML > Prices / Each look for :
<td><a href='%BUY_URL%'><nobr>Visit Store</nobr></a></td>
...and REPLACE with:
<td><a href='%BUY_URL%'><nobr><img border='0' src='/visitstore.gif' /></nobr></a></td>