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Voucher Codes with WP plugin

Submitted by Ch3W on Wed, 2012-03-21 16:16 in

Hi there,

Hope you guys are well. I notice the latest version of PT supports voucher codes. I've installed it into our test environment, and entered a voucher code. I can't see where about the user is informed of this code.

I've set up a dummy voucher code to test with the following settings:

Merchant Voucher Code Match Against Minimum Spend Discount Valid From Valid To
MerName 123456 - - 50.00 50.00% 2012-03-21 2014-08-29

**** I've just noticed that the voucher code appears fine in the default PT installation, but not when viewed in WP using the WP plugin. Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance,

Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-03-21 16:23


When using the plugin, you need to be using Voucher Codes integration level 2, where vouchers codes are inserted into the product records and discounts calculated at import time - which means that prices shown in search results incorporate discounts already!

To enable this, edit config.advanced.php of your Price Tapestry installation and change line 41 as follows:

  $config_useVoucherCodes = 2;

Re-import all feeds; and voucher code discounted prices and codes will then be displayed within WordPress just as within the standalone installation....
