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  1. Download and unzip the distribution into a temporary directory on your local computer.
  2. Upload the pto/ folder to the wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress installation.
  3. Login to your WordPress site as administrator and navigate to the Plugins page.
  4. Click Activate alongside
  5. A sub-menu will then appear under the Settings menu, where you will see a page similar to the following:

    (screenshot taken from the demo installation)

    Modify the Local settings if required and the External settings equivalent to the corresponding values in config.php and config.advanced.php of your Price Tapestry installation and then click Save Changes.

    • Base HREF should be the full URL to your Price Tapestry installation.
    • Install Path is the file system location of your Price Tapestry installation.

    Note: The correct values for Base HREF and Install Path for your system can be found on the Support Info page of the /admin/ area of your Price Tapestry installation.

  6. Create a new page that will host product search results, with a permalink equivalent to the Container Permalink setting as configured (/shopping in the above example). Ensure that the HTML tab is selected when editing the container page contents, and in the page body, enter:


  7. That's it! Browse to the new page created in the previous step to test your new installation.