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Title, Meta Keyword and Meta Description of Search Result Page

Submitted by fstore on Wed, 2012-07-18 14:03 in

Hi David

Where can I go to update the Title, Meta Keyword and Meta description for Search Result Page?

Currently title of my search result page is displayed as below and there is no meta keyword & description showing in html source code of the page:
ProductName | priceAsc | Shopping | SiteURL

I can update similar settings for product page under Setting>>Product
but I don't where are the these settings for search result page.

I will appreciate your help.


Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-07-18 14:25

Hi Hassan,

Sure - meta tags are generated within pto.php as part of the pto_head() function. Within that file, look for the following code at line 184:


...and REPLACE with:

  global $pto_q;
  if ($pto_q)
    print "<meta name='keywords' value='".htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
    print "<meta name='description' value='Search results for ".htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
  else switch($pto_module)

The above code will simply output the query itself as the meta keywords and "Search results for [keywords]" as the meta description; but of course anything you want can be included before / after the dynamic text - notice how the code print the meta tag directly breaking out of the string to include the value of $pto_q but either side of that you can insert anything you want within the value='...' settings - let me know if you're not sure - in which case if you could post an example of what you want to display as meta keywords / descriptions for a given query I can work the code out for you from that...

Please note limited support availability 18-25 July 2012

Submitted by fstore on Wed, 2012-07-18 15:15

Thanks Meta Keywords and description are working great.

How can update the Title text? adding something before/after search query.

currently it is:

searchQuery | Shopping | SiteURL


Submitted by support on Thu, 2012-07-19 11:58

Hi Hassan,

The search results page title is set by the following code at line 431 of pto.php:

$title = htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"));

...REPLACE this with:

$title = "Before Text ".htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))." After Text"; required to create the title you want...


Submitted by fstore on Sat, 2012-07-21 14:31

Thank You

Submitted by henk on Wed, 2012-10-17 07:57

Hello David

I have tried %DESCRIPTION% to set it in meta description but didn't work, how can you set this.

And the line value= i have changed to content=


Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-10-17 09:42

Hello Henk,

First look for the following code beginning at line 389 of pto.php

      $sql = "SELECT name FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE normalised_name='".$wpdb->escape($pto_product)."' LIMIT 1";
      if ($wpdb->query($sql))
        $pto_productName = $wpdb->last_result[0]->name;

....and REPLACE with:

      $sql = "SELECT name,description FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE normalised_name='".$wpdb->escape($pto_product)."' LIMIT 1";
      if ($wpdb->query($sql))
        $pto_productName = $wpdb->last_result[0]->name;
        global $pto_productDescription;
        $pto_productDescription = $wpdb->last_result[0]->description;

And then just above the point you have already identified, at line 213:

      $description = str_replace("%PRODUCT_NAME%",htmlentities($pto_productName,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset")),$description);

...REPLACE with:

      $description = str_replace("%PRODUCT_NAME%",htmlentities($pto_productName,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset")),$description);
      global $pto_productDescription;
      $description = str_replace("%DESCRIPTION%",htmlentities($pto_productDescription,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset")),$description);

(I know you're using a modified beta version so if you're not sure email me your latest version and I'll make the changes for you...)


Submitted by henk on Wed, 2012-10-17 10:05

Super Thx

2 questions for today:)

1) is it possible to strip this description
2) in the title of the page there is now merchant: can it be winkel:


Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-10-17 13:00

Hi Henk,

To strip HTML from the description use:

$description = str_replace("%DESCRIPTION%",htmlentities(strip_tags($pto_productDescription),ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset")),$description);

The page title for search results (which generate the merchant index) is set by the following code at line 431 of pto.php:

  $title = htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset")); to change out merchant: for winkel: REPLACE with:

  $title = htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"));
  $title = str_replace("merchant:","winkel:",$title);


Submitted by george-p on Tue, 2014-10-14 10:39

Hello David

i used this code to add description to category,merchant,brand,search.. and works fine

global $pto_q;
  if ($pto_q)
    print "<meta name='description' value='Search results for ".htmlentities($pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
  else switch($pto_module)

how i can make it to have different description for category/merchant/brand/search ?

also i used successful this code from here to have different meta titles

$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("category"),"Κατηγορία ",$pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("merchant"),"Κατάστημα ",$title_pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("brand"),"Μάρκα ",$title_pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array(":"),"",$title_pto_q);
$title = htmlentities($title_pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"));

how i can also make it for each of this pages to print h1 title


Submitted by support on Tue, 2014-10-14 12:02

Hello George,

Use you split $pto_q by ":" and then check the first part for merchant, category or brand, and then have a different description for each, optionally using the second part as well if required. Have a go with:

  global $pto_q;
  if ($pto_q)
    $parts = explode(":",$pto_q);
      case "merchant":
        print "<meta name='description' value='Merchant search results for ".htmlentities($parts[1],ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
      case "category":
        print "<meta name='description' value='Category search results for ".htmlentities($parts[1],ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
      case "brand":
        print "<meta name='description' value='Brand search results for ".htmlentities($parts[1],ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
        print "<meta name='description' value='Search results for ".htmlentities($parts[1],ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"))."' />\n";
  else switch($pto_module)

To output $title_pto_q in h1 tags, make the variable global by adding global $title_pto_q; as follows:

global $title_pto_q;
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("category"),"Κατηγορία ",$pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("merchant"),"Κατάστημα ",$title_pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array("brand"),"Μάρκα ",$title_pto_q);
$title_pto_q = str_replace(array(":"),"",$title_pto_q);
$title = htmlentities($title_pto_q,ENT_QUOTES,get_settings("blog_charset"));

Then in pto_search.php look for the following code at line 483 at the end of the pto_search_banner function:

    return $html;

...and REPLACE with:

    global $title_pto_q;
    $html = str_replace("%TITLE_PTO_Q%",$title_pto_q,$html);
    return $html;

And then finally, edit your Search / Banner template, adding:

<h1>%TITLE_PTO_Q%</h1> required.


Submitted by george-p on Tue, 2014-10-14 13:10

all works great!

thanks you very much