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Display custom fields and dates and formats

Submitted by bird on Mon, 2012-10-01 22:44 in

Hi David,

I've already asked some of these questions in the forum and you've helped me a lot so far.
Integrating PT in WP now causes some questions and I appreciate your support once again.

1. I would like to add a custom field "shipping" in the WP product template.
In the products.php I did something like this, which worked fine:

print $mainProduct["shipping"];
 if (
$mainProduct["shipping"] == ""){
"Not specified"

How to add this field in the WP template?

2. I want to display the date of the last update on the product page. In the forum I found something like this:

"SELECT imported FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."feeds`
            WHERE merchant='"
$updated date("d.m.Y",$rows[0]["imported"]);

How to do this in the WP template?

3. I would like to reformat the prices to the german notation.
You already told me how to to this:

print number_format($product["price"],2,",",".")." ".$config_currencyHTML

How and where to apply this in the WP files?

Thank you very much and best regards

Submitted by support on Tue, 2012-10-02 08:43

Hi Bernhard,

Re: 1/

To pull in the value of the shipping field you can use the placeholder %DB_shipping% within your Product / Main template (wp-admin > Settings > The same placeholder may also be used within the Prices / Each template.

Re: 2/

To add support for a %UPDATED% placeholder in the Product / Main template; edit pto_product.php and look for the following code at line 293:

    $html_product = $pto_html_product;

...and REPLACE with:

    $products_result = $wpdb->last_result;
    $sql = "SELECT imported FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."feeds` WHERE filename = '".$wpdb->escape($product->filename)."'";
    $updated = $wpdb->last_result[0]->imported;
    $wpdb->last_result = $products_result;
    $html_product = $pto_html_product;
    $html_product = str_replace("%UPDATED%",date("d.m.Y",$updated),$html_product);

Re: 3/

For the main product info and price comparison table, perform a search and replace in pto_product.php





And in pto_search.php and pto_featured.php





Hope this helps!


Submitted by bird on Tue, 2012-10-02 11:40

Fantastic support! Thank you!