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Different sorting in Wordpress / stand alone version

Submitted by bird on Wed, 2012-10-03 00:01 in

Hi David,

comparing the search results form the stand alone version to Wordpress I experience some troubles.

The search query "search.php?q=macbook+pro" in the stand alone version displays the results correctly.
Using the insert tag [pto search="Macbook Pro"] in Wordpress delivers a complete different range of products, in my case some Macbooks Air and some other stuff.

Using the insert tags [pto search="iPad"] or [pto product="iPad"] in Wordpress doesn't display any results, the search query "search.php?q=iPad" in the stand alone version delivers over 200 results correctly.

The stand alone version displays special characters (ö, ü, ä) in the description correctly, Wordpress doesn't display them correctly (ö, ®). Charset is UTF-8 in both cases.

What happens here and how to solve this problem?

Is there any way to display the "star rating" in the Wordpress version as well as the merchant logos?

Thank you and best regards

Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-10-03 09:26

Hi Bernhard,

Regarding the differing search results; I think your standalone installation has been configured not to use the full text index - the first thing I would suggest is making the same setting in the plugin by going to wp-admin > Settings > and changing the drop-down box along side the $config_useFullText equivalent setting to the opposite of its current setting - then see if results are equivalent again.

That should return results for [pto search="iPad"] but regarding [pto product="iPad"], that would only work if there is a product of that exact name - so if your products are named for example "iPad 16GB" or "iPad 2 32GB" it would have to be the exact product name in the product attribute of the pto shortcode.

If neither of the above are resolved by changing the use plugin equivalent of the full text setting let me know, and if it's possible to post an example URL (i'll remove before publishing your reply) I'll check it out further.

Regarding character set issues - this was resolved for another user as described in this comment but I am looking into this further as utf8 (as is the default) and not utf-8 (the fix) is required in some instances - so even if that does fix your plugin displayed characters; have a check around the rest of your site in case it has an adverse effect with special characters being displayed elsewhere...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by bird on Wed, 2012-10-03 15:04

Hi David,

after changing the charset to "utf-8" in WP all the special characters are displayed correctly.
As a kind of "side effect" some of the other tags in the template are now eliminated...very strange behaviour but thanks for your advice.

Do you have any idea for the star rating or the merchant logos?

Thank you very much and best regards

Submitted by support on Wed, 2012-10-03 15:13

Hi Bernhard,

If merchant logos are not being displayed in the price comparison table this would indicate that the Install Path to Price Tapestry is not set under the External section in wp-admin > Settings > The value can be found from the Support Info page in the Price Tapestry installation's /admin/ area.

The value is the physical server path to the installation which is used by file_exists() to check for the presence of the merchant logos and includes them in place of the merchant name if they exist. Note that for this to work, the Base HREF (URL to your Price Tapestry installation) must also be set in the same section.

Star rating images are built-in to the plugin so they should display without any further reliance on settings - check that your wp-content/plugins/pto/resources/ folder contains the image files (e.g. "1.gif") - and if all looks good but they're still not showing up let me know and I'll investigate further - the star rating should be displayed alongside featured products and in the main body of the product information on the product page (alongside the "Review This Product" link)...

Hope this helps!
