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Modules can be added to your site from administrator > Extensions > Module Manager. To reveal all exposed modules prior to customisation of module title use the page Filter options to filter results by the keyword "pto". Click the module title to configure, and modify the title and any module specific settings as required. Additionally, Joomla modules will not display until the following conditions have been met:

  • The module status has been set to "Published"
  • A valid position for your template has been selected
  • Module Assignment has been set to "On all pages", or as required

mod_pto A to Z

Displays an A to Z index using the A to Z HTML template from the Settings page

Index: Choose Merchant, Category or Brand

mod_pto Featured Products

Typically, this module would be used to display a single product in the Featured Products style by using a section name (e.g. widget1) associated with a single product.

Section: Optional Featured Products section for the widget

mod_pto Search Form

Displays a product search form. The form can be modified by editing the Search Widget HTML template on the Settings page.

There are no additional settings for this module

mod_pto Search Filters

Displays a search results filter form. The form can be modified by editing the Search Filters Widget HTML template on the Settings page. Please Note: Result filtering is only recommended for niche sites. For general purpose sites with a large number of products both the number of options in the filter select boxes together with the database query time taken to generate them could impact page load time significantly.

There are no additional settings for this module