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Missing search filters

Submitted by marco@flapper on Fri, 2013-10-11 06:38 in

I think I'm missing the search filters functionality.

I tried the widget but nothing is displayed. Then I checked searchresults for $priceWhere but it isn't there.

Should I send you my pto.php and searchresults.php?

Submitted by support on Fri, 2013-10-11 08:19

Hi Marco,

It's $pto_searchWhere in plugin version 2.0, which is populated prior to page generation so that it can be used by the search filters widget regardless of the widgets position on the page (left or right of search results content).

First check however, that the Main / Search Filters Widget isn't empty in wp-admin > Settings > If that appears to be the case, the default is as follows:

<div class='pto_search_filters_widget'>
<form method='GET' action='%ACTION%'>
<input type='hidden' name='pto_q' value='%PTO_Q%' />
Merchant:<br />
<select name='pto_merchantFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Category:<br />
<select name='pto_categoryFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Brand:<br />
<select name='pto_brandFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Price:<br />
%PTO_CURR%<input type='text' class='pto_search_filters_widget_price' name='pto_minPrice' value='%PTO_MINPRICE%' />
%PTO_CURR%<input type='text' class='pto_search_filters_widget_price' name='pto_maxPrice' value='%PTO_MAXPRICE%' />
<br />
min: 0,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<input type='submit' value='Apply' />

If all looks in place, sure - forward your pto.php and pto_search.php and I'll check them out for you...


Submitted by marco@flapper on Fri, 2013-10-11 08:25

I added it and it is partially there.

But I guess I'm missing the slider part? How can I add this?

Example url:
{link saved}

Submitted by support on Fri, 2013-10-11 08:43

Sorry Marco, price range slider supports isn't built in i'd copied from my development rather than a distribution installation, please use:

<div class='pto_search_filters_widget'>
<form method='GET' action='%ACTION%'>
<input type='hidden' name='pto_q' value='%PTO_Q%' />
Merchant:<br />
<select name='pto_merchantFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Category:<br />
<select name='pto_categoryFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Brand:<br />
<select name='pto_brandFilter'>
  <option value=''>All</option>
<br />
Price:<br />
%PTO_CURR%<input type='text' class='pto_search_filters_widget_price' name='pto_minPrice' value='%PTO_MINPRICE%' />
%PTO_CURR%<input type='text' class='pto_search_filters_widget_price' name='pto_maxPrice' value='%PTO_MAXPRICE%' />
<br />
<input type='submit' value='Apply' />

A number of users have been asking about a price range slider so I'm testing this out at the moment and will post details shortly... apologies for the inconvenience.
