How are you?
I've been working on some of the codes you've been posting on the forum and I was wondering if you could provide me with some help.
The function I would love to have, would be something similar to this website : {link saved} (this is a price comparison website used here in Greece)
I would like to display relative products or categories while writing the search query in a box below the search like the website I mentioned above.
If you click on one of the results, I would like to lead to the spesific product or category that is selected.
Sorry if I gave you a headache with all my questions, but we would like to have a more advanced search if possible.
Have a great day!!!!
What I'd like to have is one search rield that can search both products and categories, and display jquery results delow as you type your search. Is this possible?
Please take a moment and look at this website {link saved}, try searching for iphone and you will see what I mean. If there is a cost for you to redisign the search, you are welcome to ask us, and you will be paid. Thank you for your time! :)
One more question if possible.
The database displays correctly all the greek content after pached , but the page metadata title on the top of the browser is still displaying wrong. Is there a fix for that also?
One more thing that I forgot is about the feeds.
I am trying to use the Automation Tool to import some feeds from url but when I try to run it, is says that the feed folder is not writable. How do I fix that?
Thank you for your time!!!
To make the feeds folder writable, the easiest way is nornmally using an FTP program (e.g. FileZilla which is very popular). Connect to your server as normal, and then in the remote window right-click on the "feeds" folder and then, depending on your FTP program, look for "Permissions..." or maybe "Properties..." and then Permissions, and give WRITE access to all users (owner / group / world).
Regarding auto-complete of the search form - sure, lots of people do this in standalone Price Tapestry , I have ported it for for WordPress so I will create a Joomla port also - more info at
A couple of questions;
1) Are jquery.js and jquery-ui.js already included by your Joomla template?
2) Do you want to attach the auto suggest to the main search form, Search widget, or the search box in the modified Sidebar Filters widget as per the above modification?
I found the note you mention above and tryed the code but I couldn't make it work.
I would rather prefere to have the suggestions displayed below the search form and don't use the auto complete function. I would like to show the 10 most relative sugestions as the user types the search query and also if one of theme is a product or category, display the product or category instead.
My domain is {link saved} and the template already has scroll to top so I found jquery allready installed in the template (if I'm not wrong)
Excuse me for the poor english and for not helping with my knowledge, but we realy want some modifications so we can be good to go.
I hope I'm clear for what I'm asking for, for the search function.
One more thing. We would like to include some sort of filter in the search so when a user search something greek in latin letters to apear the relative content ( if possible )
An example is:
Searching for : γατα : is the same as searching for : γάτα : and seaching for : gata . Can it be recongised as the same?
Do you understand what I mean?
I'll follow up by email with you.
The Search Filters widget can easily be re-purposed as an advanced search form!
Firstly, go to /administrator/ then Extensions >, and ccroll down to the Sidebar Filters Widget and look for the following code:
<input type='hidden' name='pto_q' value='%PTO_Q%' />
...and REPLACE with:
<input type='text' name='pto_q' value='%PTO_Q%' />
Next, look for the following code towards the end of the template:
<input type='submit' value='Apply' />
...and REPLACE with:
<input type='submit' value='Search' />
Finally, to show the widget on all pages even when no search result is in context,
edit plugins/system/plg_pto_system/pto_search.php and look for the following code
at line 824:
if (!isset($pto_module) || !isset($pto_searchWhere) || !$pto_searchWhere) return "";
...and REPLACE with:
if (!isset($pto_searchWhere) || !$pto_searchWhere)
$pto_searchWhere = "1";
Hope this helps!