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no indexing at all

Submitted by jbdob on Wed, 2015-02-11 15:54 in

Hello David,

I have a question.

Everything that is generated by the PTO script (wp-version) i don't want it to be automatically indexed in the search engines. Thus no-index regarding all content generated by the PTO-script and "follow" option.

How can i accomplish this? Must this be done by not registering the sitemap? Or must i tweak the PTO script-code somewhere?

Hope you can help me out what do.

Thanks for now!

Submitted by support on Wed, 2015-02-11 18:54

Hi jbdob,

All you should need to do is disallow the generated pages through your robots.txt file, so if using the default settings, this would be simply:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /shopping
Disallow: /merchant
Disallow: /category
Disallow: /brand
Disallow: /product
Disallow: /review

The Disallows correspond to your Virtual settings for Merchant / Category / Brand / Product / Review Base HREF settings in wp-admin > Settings > respectively...

Don't register your generated sitemap with any search engines as it's not defined anywhere other than perhaps within individual search engine's own policies whether having registered a sitemap overrides robots.txt or not!

Hope this helps!
