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Shopping page error

Submitted by kjw on Mon, 2015-02-23 19:14 in

I recently updated a site and it worked no problem.

I updated another site to Joomla 3.3.6
when I enter mysite .com/pt I get blank page with search box.

mysite .com/shopping I get

1146 Table 'db566543877.pt_featured' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM `pt_featured` WHERE name NOT LIKE '%/%' ORDER BY sequence

I'm not sure where to look or what to do.

mysite .com/pt/admin shows up fine too.

any help greatly appreciated

Submitted by support on Mon, 2015-02-23 21:41

Hello Kirk,

That sounds like Price Tapestry and Joomla are not installed in the same "physical" MySQL database, which is a pre-requestie of running the plugins. Assuming that /pt/admin/ works, whilst the /pt/ home page will only show the search box if no Featured Products are configured, the Merchant A-Z, e.g. /pt/merchants.php should work fine.

If that's the case, it's normally easier to move the Price Tapestry tables into the same database as your Joomla installation than vice-versa. Using the Backup function of the Database Tool (from /pt/admin/) with all options selected, save the Backup_.xml file to your local computer. Then edit /pt/config.php and modify the database settings so that they match the MySQL server/ username / password / database name of the Joomla installation (setting names here) Next, browse to /pt/setup.php to re-install Price Tapestry into the same database as the Joomla Installation. and then from /pt/admin/ go to Database Tool and use the Restore function to restore the database from the saved Backup_.xml file.

Finally, re-import all feeds to complete the migration. That should be all it is, if you're still not sure, let me know and I'll check it out further with you of course;


Submitted by kjw on Mon, 2015-02-23 23:47

Thanks David for all that you do. It is working now, you're awesome!