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Category Hierarchy

Submitted by shaunmac on Mon, 2015-05-04 14:03 in

Hello I was trying to get my categories to work with sub-categories as listed via "" but when I try to edit the config.advanced.php $config_useCategoryHierarchy = TRUE; nothing changes? I am also using a template from Ramos Themes would this be the cause the category hierarchy not working?

Submitted by support on Tue, 2015-05-05 07:21

Hello Shaun,

Category Hierarchy isn't yet supported in the plugins but is in development and will be included in the next distributions of for WordPress / Joomla. Watch out for the re-launch of the beta for these coming soon as I complete a re-working of the category hierarchy codebase in Price Tapestry to better support larger hierarchies as I have found many users wanting to work with larger hierarchies than I had envisaged.


Submitted by shaunmac on Thu, 2015-05-14 13:36

I'm trying to do this with the regular price tapestry not the wordpress plug in as stated here. "" but its not changing in my admin area.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-05-14 13:47

Hi Shaun,

It sounds like your 3rd party template is including an alternative admin/admin_header.php in order to add template options (later versions make use of the Extensions interface to dynamically add their menus to /admin/) - it should just be the Content Management menu that requires updating but if you would like to email me admin/admin_header.php I'll make sure that it's up to date and still includes your template admin links...
