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categories importing

Submitted by shaunmac on Mon, 2016-01-11 18:21 in

Hello I am using the script version of price tapestry 15/09A not the plugin and I had a question about categories. I have a csv file with my categories under "cat1" with all sub categories of cat1 labeled "cat2" and so on. What would be the best way to get the categories listed as well as the sub categories without needing to add each one to the category mapping tool. Would there be a way I could format my csv to have all categories in one instead of each in a different column? exp. cat1,cat2,cat3 or cat1/cat2/cat3/ or would there be a better way to get my categories working with hierarchy ?
Thank You

Submitted by support on Tue, 2016-01-12 09:20

Hello Shaun,

I was planning to look at a way of populating the built-in Category Hierarchy from a feed category value that contains a well defined and separated category field. I'll post details of this on the main site once i've tested something - it's not totally straight forward as the process would also (ideally) create suitable mapping entries so that the product feed categories from which the hierarchy is derived will then be imported into those categories without any further configuration...
