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Integrations with Wordpress search

Submitted by marco@flapper on Fri, 2011-09-16 12:21 in

I was thinking about the search widget.

It is very nice to have that but for the enduser it can be a bit confusing. You have a Pricetapestry search box and a Wordpress search box for searching the blog.

Ideally it would be one search box/widget. Probably that's a bridge to far. But would it be possible to add some search terms so that those terms would lead to some searchresults including some specified pages/posts.

cheap tv leads to a wordpress page about cheap tv's.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-09-16 12:43

Hi Marco,

That's on the ToDo list so should feature in next week's release.


Submitted by gregor on Sat, 2011-09-17 14:01

Looking forward to this one too! It's on my todo list as well, but would be much better to just download some code :)

thanks for taking care of us David!