Hi David,
I'm setting up a new site with PT + WP, I was wondering if would be possible to associate an image to each category/subcategory, so that when you open the category page you get a list or grid of images instead of just the name of the categories.
Thank you!
Hello Ride and welcome to the forum!
Sure - what I would suggest would be to make use of the existing logos/ folder used for the merchant logos in the A-Z, and upload your category images with the prefix "category_" followed by the category name exactly as it appears in the hierarchy, and with the same extension as merchant logos (".img" by default) for example;
/pt/logos/category_Home and Garden.img
/pt/logos/category_Kitchen Appliances.img
/pt/logos/category_Garden Furniture.img
(assuming Price Tapestry installed in /pt/ sub-directory of WordPress installation)
And then edit the plugin file pto/pto_atoz.php and look for the following code beginning at line 150:
$item = $row->$module;
...and REPLACE with:
elseif (($module=="category") && $pto_config_externalPath && file_exists($pto_config_externalPath."logos/category_".$row->$module.$pto_config_logoExtension))
$item = "<img border='0' src='".$pto_config_externalBaseHREF."logos/category_".str_replace(" ","%20",$row->$module).$pto_config_logoExtension."' />";
$item = $row->$module;
Hope this helps!