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How to increase google index?

Submitted by rssfeeds on Sat, 2011-09-17 02:21 in

Dear Dave,

Almost one month passed, the Google only have indexed one page for Pto site. I checked your demo site, and there is only one page indexed by google, too. Would you please find ways to increase Google index for Pto sites? Thank you very much.


Submitted by support on Sat, 2011-09-17 09:39

Hello Frank,

The demo site actually excludes robots fully as it is running the same database as the main (non-plugin) demo site - double check of course that there isn't a robots.txt that may be prevent indexing of your /merchant /product virtual pages.

However, more likely is the situation regarding the canonical link where all plugin generated pages were rending a canonical header pointing back to the container page. This is discussed in this thread and will be included in the final release next week - I haven't included this in the beta distribution yet as it's a wider ranging issue that could affect other plugins (the canonical should only be removed for dynamically generated pages) but if your main objective at the moment is top open up more pages if you implement the fix described in that thread that should open up your pages for deeper crawling..

All the best,

Submitted by sae2011 on Fri, 2011-09-23 11:23

This may also be an SEO plugin issue, which I've experienced where the SEO plugin was overriding the PT page titles. I have tried various plugins and settled with All In One SEO, which only overwrites titles if you specify it to do so. You can search for and download this plugin from your plugins page in WP admin.

Hope this helps,


Submitted by Mark Hennessy on Sun, 2012-03-11 08:46

Guys how can I find out if the SEO plugin is overwriting the titles? I am using the Yoast SEO plugin and want to make sure everything is working ok

Submitted by support on Sun, 2012-03-11 09:35

Hi Mark,

If you go to the merchant index and then click a merchant name to show their products the title should be something like merchant:Merchant Name|Shopping|Site Default Title as on the demo installation here for example.

If another theme or plugin is overwriting the dynamically generated title/meta tags you can enable the Header Exclusivity setting under Advanced settings at wp-admin > Settings >


Submitted by Mark Hennessy on Sun, 2012-03-11 13:31

Seems to be fine I have Merchant:merchant name | priceAsc | Shopping Site Default title Site Default title

Site default is doubled up I will have a look