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pto search shortcode - search within category/merchant

Submitted by nanaz on Fri, 2018-02-09 16:55 in

Hi David,

Hope you are well!

I added a function in PTO 2.0, derived from to make it possible in shortcode pto_search to search within a category or merchant. It works great, but the unset function doesn't work, the category or merchant parameter remains set and active. Not nice on a blogpage with all different kinds of shortcodes on 1 page.

[pto search="searchterm" incategory="something" results="12" sort="random"]

I added in pto.php

if (isset($atts["inmerchant"]))
$pto_searchIncludeMerchant $atts["inmerchant"];
 if (isset(
$pto_searchIncludeCategory $atts["incategory"];

and in pto_search.php:

global $pto_searchIncludeMerchant;
  if (isset(
$ins = array();
$merchants explode(",",$pto_searchIncludeMerchant);
$merchants as $merchant)
$ins[] = "'".$wpdb->escape($merchant)."'";
$pto_searchWhere .= " AND merchant IN (".implode(",",$ins).") ";
  if (isset(
$ins = array();
$categories explode(",",$pto_searchIncludeCategory);
$categories as $category)
$ins[] = "'".$wpdb->escape($category)."'";
$pto_searchWhere .= " AND category IN (".implode(",",$ins).") ";

Hope you can help!

Kind regards, Marlies

Submitted by support on Sat, 2018-02-10 07:49

Hello Marlies,

It should just be a case of unsetting $pto_searchWhere at the end of the pto_search() function so if you edit pto_search.php, locate the pto_search() function and at the end (around line 411 in the distribution) will be;

  return $html;

....REPLACE with:

  return $html;


Submitted by nanaz on Sat, 2018-02-10 10:23

Hi David,

Thank you for a weekend answer! Sorry to say it's not working, I also added the other 2 there too - just to be sure -


but the $pto_searchWhere value is not released.

There are extra functionalities added to pto_search.php, but as far as I can see they shouldn't have an affect on $pto_searchWhere.

Do you have an idea?

Thank you again,


Submitted by support on Sat, 2018-02-10 11:39

Hello Marlies,

Please could you email me modified pto.php and pto_search.php and also an example of a shortcode that you're using and I'll check it out further for you...
