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Amazon API Featured

Submitted by babyuniverse on Sat, 2019-02-23 00:42 in

Hi David,

Me again!!!

I am bringing back 10 featured products for my taxonomy brands using

echo do_shortcode('[pto featured="brand:'.single_cat_title('',FALSE).':10"]')

This is working as per another post, I am now looking to add EBAY and Amazon API into these featured product results. Any suggestions on the best way to implement this?

I was reading about [pto api="amazon:Product Name"] but not sure if it would work in my instance?


Submitted by support on Mon, 2019-02-25 08:34

Hello Richard,

Sure - the api shortcode mod simply executes the API functionality as it would for search so you could use it exactly like that e.g.

echo do_shortcode('[pto api="amazon:'.single_cat_title('',FALSE).'"]')

Number of results requested is the search results per page setting but if you wanted to provide it through the shortcode as per your mod to the featured shortcode just let me know...
