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Product feeds don't import anymore since latest WP release

Submitted by kveenbaas on Mon, 2019-10-21 14:48 in


It looks like that after the latest wp release, my feeds do not work anymore. I have tried to re-map the feeds, that seems to work, but the imports are without any result.
Are there more people having the same problem? Or is it just co-incidentally?

Best regards, Klaas

Submitted by support on Fri, 2019-10-25 09:41

Hello Klaas,

The WordPress version shouldn't have any impact on Price Tapestry back-end functionality so I am wondering if perhaps your server has had PHP upgraded at the same time and your installation requires a patch for PHP version 7 compatibility? More information on patch downloads can be found here.

If that's not the case, one way to find out why import is failing is to enable database debug mode in /pt/config.advanced.php by setting $config_databaseDebugMode to TRUE at line 6. Then try registering a feed again and an error message may be displayed - if so and you're not sure from what is displayed where the problem lies let me know and I'll check it out further with you.

If there is no difference (page just returns to admin home page after click import or register/import), it may be that output buffering is enabled and therefore you are not able to capture the database error. In this case, edit includes/database.php and look for the following code at line 56:

      print "[".$sql."][".mysqli_error($link)."]";

...and REPLACE with:

      print "[".$sql."][".mysqli_error($link)."]";
