Shopping List functionality isn't part of the plugins which are really intended for the inclusion of Price Tapestry generated content within a blog, for example an established review blog with extensive custom content could monetise by way of adding price comparison tables to their review pages using the shortcodes.
I am going to build a test server in order to prepare maintenance release builds for PHP 8 and WordPres 5 so if I have the opportunity I'll look at incorporating it...
Hi Tobix,
Shopping List functionality isn't part of the plugins which are really intended for the inclusion of Price Tapestry generated content within a blog, for example an established review blog with extensive custom content could monetise by way of adding price comparison tables to their review pages using the shortcodes.
I am going to build a test server in order to prepare maintenance release builds for PHP 8 and WordPres 5 so if I have the opportunity I'll look at incorporating it...