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Wordpress function hooks?

Submitted by Fuzzy on Sun, 2011-10-09 02:58 in

Hi David

Just bought Price Tapestry and are currently testing locally - works fantastic.

I added the wordpress plugin and was wondering how difficult would it be to tie in some wordpress functionality such as using wordpress as the comment system for reviews, tagging taxonomies and the like.

My idea is to hide the main PT install and only use the Wordpress frontend and use an existing separate review system. Is this feasible?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2011-10-09 09:25

Hi Fuzzy,

Thank you for your comments!

The plugin only requires the /shopping container page to be present if you actually want to link to and have your visitors browsing the plugin generated dynamic pages, e.g /product/Red-Widget.html.

However, if you want to create your own page for the Red Widget and therefore be able to also use on that page any other plugins required you can create your own specific product pages and pull in the generated content using the shortcodes; for example

[pto product="Red Widget" prices="Red Widget"]

The above would display the product image, description and price comparison table for Red Widget; and can be used with whatever other content / plugins you wish on the page!


Submitted by Fuzzy on Mon, 2011-10-10 04:00

Thanks for the help David.