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Product display title link

Submitted by ucsrpnvn on Wed, 2011-12-21 22:00 in


I am new this forum. I have installed the script today with David's help. It seems working fine. I got a question about product display page. Title of the product is not not linking in wordpress plugin installation. To explain this bit more, I copy the code below:

General Pricetapestry Title:

{link saved}

My question is how would I give the link.

Thanks in advance.


Submitted by support on Thu, 2011-12-22 09:43

Hi Chandra,

The plugin actually overrides the container page title as the product title; so doesn't actually have direct control over any link to be generated here (that would be down to your theme if your theme happened to link the title); however what you can do is as follows:

Firstly; modify pto.php to prevent the title override for the product pages by looking for the following code at line 419:

      $title_override = TRUE;

...and REPLACE with:

      $title_override = FALSE;

Finally, you can now add your own title which can be linked in the HTML template for product pages. To do this, go to wp-admin > Settings > and then scroll down to HTML > Product / Main, and simply add the following to the top of the template (or whatever HTML you wish)...

<h1><a href='%BUY_URL%'>%PRODUCT_NAME%</a></h1>


Submitted by ucsrpnvn on Fri, 2012-01-06 23:02

Thanks very much David,
