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Multiple feeds for the same merchant

Submitted by IG on Fri, 2012-05-04 17:05 in

Hi David

Does the wordpress plugin support multiple feeds for the same merchant as mentioned here: If the answer is yes, how does it actually work?

Cheers, Ivo

Submitted by support on Sat, 2012-05-05 10:14

Hello Ivo,

Sure - since the backend administration is done via the Price Tapestry /admin/ interface anyway it's exactly the same.

Simply upload your feeds as normal, e.g. MerchantNameFeed1.xml, MerchantNameFeed2.xml and when registering simply use the same merchant name in the Merchant field on Feed Registration Step 2.

For the opposite support (multiple merchants in the same feed) you simply require a field in the feed that contains the merchant name, and then register Merchant as a field (just like Name, Buy URL etc.) instead of entering the merchant name manually.
