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Improve Products reviews

Submitted by crouge on Sat, 2012-06-02 17:11 in


I've just bought pricetapestry for a project of a niche comparison price / consumers reviews site a bit such as or
I'd like to know if it would be possible to use a wordpress advanced reviews plugin instead of the pricetapestry review functionality (on joomla there is jrevews that is great, it should have something similar on wordpress).
What would you advice to do this ?

Thanks in advance


Submitted by support on Sat, 2012-06-02 17:24

Hi Christophe,

Absolutely; I'm not familiar with any specific WordPress reviews plugins, but they would almost certainly hook into a post / page; so for any product that you wish to complement with more sophisticated reviews functionality; you would simply create the relevant page / post and then use the shortcodes to pull in product info / price comparison from your Price Tapestry database e.g.

[pto product="Product Name" prices="Product Name"]

(full shortcodes list)

...and your reviews plugin would take it from there...
