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'go to shop'-link via jump.php

Submitted by xslinx on Wed, 2012-06-20 11:07 in

Hi David,

I've got some questions about the jump.php file.

We've got several websites with PTO, and when you go to a product page and see the link 'go to shop' this should link to for example:

However, on one of our websites this does not work accordingly, have a look at this product page:
{link saved}

The 'go to shop' link does not go via jump.php, but it's a direct affiliate link. ({link saved})

Have you got any idea why this is? All other installed PTO websites do work via jump.php.

Further, We've been using Google Analytics to measure the click-outs via jump.php, however this does not work on every website. Some of them work, others not.
We use a goal with URL destination, goal url = /pt/jump.php , Match type = Head Match.
If you have any suggestions on that, that would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Submitted by support on Thu, 2012-06-21 15:10

Hi Jaimy,

It sounds like they may be related - if the Google Analytics tracking code is contained within jump.php installations currently going direct to the buy URL would be bypassing jump.php and hence the tracking.

Regarding jump.php not being invoked; the plugin configuration to use jump.php is independent of the setting in the associated Price Tapestry installation's config.php. Instead, ensure that under wp-admin > Settings >, under the External heading, that the drop-down box alongside $config_useTracking is set to TRUE.

Whilst on the settings page; double check the Install Path and Base HREF (also under the External heading) are correct - the values can be found on the Support Info page of the associated Price Tapestry installation /admin/ area...


Submitted by xslinx on Mon, 2012-06-25 14:29

Hi David,

Yes, the website that didn't work was set on False at $config_useTracking, it's so simple...but I was looking for hours..thanks.
I've checked all jump.php codes and found that not al codes were correctly changed, so also problem solved.

Many thanks David (again!)

Best regards,