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WP: PT title not removed after implemention page title

Submitted by tisbris on Sun, 2011-08-21 16:41 in

Hi David

The PT title is showning %TITLE% with the a jump link attached.
- latest beta version downloaded today.

If i understand this correctly, then this PT title should be removed and the WP page title should show the title (product).


Submitted by alecs on Wed, 2011-08-24 18:02

same problem ;-)


Submitted by support on Wed, 2011-08-24 18:33

Hi Brian, alecs;

This was updated on 18/08 with a modification to override the container page title with the title rather than include it inline with the plugin generated HTML. This is because the container page typically has the prominent (H1) title, and it would be far better for SEO purposes to have the prominent title be the dynamically generated one.

I suspect you will currently be seeing:

Product Name

(where %TITLE% is a hyperlink to the jump/Buy URL)

If you remove the following from your HTML Product setting:

<h2><a href='%BUY_URL%'>%TITLE%</a></h2>

...that should do the trick.

I would appreciate feedback as to whether it would be valuable to make the main page title a hyperlink to the cheapest Buy URL in this scenario...


Submitted by alecs on Thu, 2011-08-25 07:19

hi david,

if i remove

<h2><a href='%BUY_URL%'>%TITLE%</a></h2>

the %TITLE% tag disapears, nothing else, no title instead.


Submitted by support on Thu, 2011-08-25 07:49

Hi Alecs,

Can you check that your pto.php is up to date with the latest version; containing this code at line 423:

    if ($title_override && isset($post))
      $post->post_title = $title;

Assuming that's in place it looks like the $post variable is not present on your installation so we'll look into that...


Submitted by alecs on Thu, 2011-08-25 08:38

think iam up to date ...

  if ($title)
    $content = $title." | ".$content;
    if ($title_override && isset($post))
      $post->post_title = $title;


Submitted by support on Thu, 2011-08-25 08:48

Thanks alecs,

That implies that the $post variable is not in context at that point. Could you replace the above code with the following:

  if ($title)
    $content = $title." | ".$content;
    if ($title_override && isset($post))
      $post->post_title = $title;

And then view a product page (don't upload the modification until you're ready to click on a product page link!). It will break the page, but if you could then use the View > Source option in your web browser, and then save the page source (the HTML which will contain the debug output within it) and then if you could email me the file as an attachment I should be able to work out what's required from that...


Submitted by alecs on Fri, 2011-08-26 07:58

hi david,

with your modified code my page loads and loads ... blank site, no results.


Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-08-26 08:31

Hi Alecs,

If you press STOP in your browser, then view source do you see the debug output that you can capture and forward to me at all?
