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SearchResults in divs

Submitted by alecs on Tue, 2011-08-23 07:05 in

heres my sugestion to display the searchresults in divs:


<div class="pto_s_results_wrapper">


<div class="pto_wrapper">
<div class="pto_s_image">
<a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'><img class="pto_img" src='%IMAGE_URL%' /></a><br />
%ENDIF_IMAGE% <br />
<div class="pto_s_descr">
<h4><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'>%PRODUCT_NAME%</a></h4>
</div><!--end descr-->
<div class="pto_s_price">
  <nobr><em>from</em> %PRICE%</nobr>
  <br />
  <nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'>Compare Prices</a></nobr>
  <nobr><a href='%PRODUCT_URL%'>More...</a></nobr>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>


<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<!--end wrapper-->

CSS / pto.css

/* mod.*/
.pto_s_results_wrapper { width:960px;}
.pto_s_image { width:100px; height:auto; float:left;}
.pto_s_descr { margin-left:10px; width:700px; height:auto;float:left;}
.pto_s_price { width:140px; margin-right:0px; height:auto; float:right; color:#09F;}
.pto_img { width:100px;}
.pto_wrapper { clear:both; border-bottom: 1px #999 dotted;}
/*end mod.*/

this is for 960px with display. please change it for your needs.

Submitted by support on Tue, 2011-08-23 08:32

Thanks for sharing that, alecs!