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Random featured products - pick only one from category

Submitted by koen on Thu, 2013-11-28 20:13 in

hello david,

I'm trying to get one featured product "random" from one category in my widget .

I only want to show one product, selected from 10 different categories. E.g. when I make a category named "sample" and add 10 products (sample\product1, \sample\product2 etc.), the widget must pick one of the featured products from this category.

Is there a way to fix this? I've tried all the other featured products tweaks but didn't manage to get it working...

thanks a lot,

Submitted by support on Fri, 2013-11-29 08:15

Hello Koen,

One way to build this in would be to add an optional second parameter to the section (category) value, separated by a colon; e.g. [pto featured="sample:1"] which would return 1 featured product from the sample/ section.

To do this, in pto_featured.php look for the following code beginning at line 25:

  if ($section)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."featured` WHERE name LIKE '".$wpdb->escape($section)."/%' ORDER BY sequence";

...and REPLACE with:

  if ($section)
    $parts = explode(":",$section);
    if (isset($parts[1]))
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."featured` WHERE name LIKE '".$wpdb->escape($parts[0])."/%' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$parts[1];
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM `".$pto_config_databaseTablePrefix."featured` WHERE name LIKE '".$wpdb->escape($section)."/%' ORDER BY sequence";

Hope this helps!


Submitted by koen on Wed, 2013-12-04 14:46

Hello David,

Thanks... Something goes wrong when implementing this code, I'm getting a:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/blablabla/wp-content/plugins/pto/pto_featured.php on line 28 ...
I tried to make line 28 like:
if (isset($section))
but that doesn't make sense (the featured items are not being shown...)...
Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot,

Submitted by support on Wed, 2013-12-04 15:05

Sorry Koen,

That line should be

  if (isset($parts[1]))

Corrected above...
