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Image Parameters in HTML?

Submitted by mneylon on Sat, 2011-09-03 17:23 in

Where can I edit the image parameters? ie. the default width / height etc?
When I go to my test install and browse some merchants I'm getting back images that are much smaller than the HTML is defining them, so they look pretty awful :)
eg. {link saved}

Submitted by support on Sat, 2011-09-03 18:16


The image dimensions are defined in your wp-content/plugins/pto/resources/pto.css. Look for the following definition beginning at line 57:

.pto_search img {

...where you can adjust the dimensions as required. Bear in mind when scaling images it's best to fix either width or height alone otherwise the image will be distorted. Don't forget when making CSS changes to do a hard refresh in your browser (CTRL-F5) to make sure that all resources are reloaded by the browser..

Hope this helps!