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from Price

Submitted by philstone on Fri, 2011-09-09 15:48 in

Hi David

Loving this new Wordpress script

I have installed it at {link saved} while I play around and try to config it.

but i am noticing that the featured and search result from prices are being dictated a-z for some reason, so if a merchant on the price page starts with A their higher price will appear as from instead of a lowest merchant price if the merchant starts with S.

any ideas?


Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-09-09 16:06

Hi Phil,

Well spotted! The code replacing %PRICE% in both cases (featured products and search results) was using "price" rather than "minPrice". I have corrected this in the beta distribution. To correct an existing installation without re-installing; look for the following code at line 135 of pto_featured.php:

$each = str_replace("%PRICE%",$pto_config_currencyHTML.$row->price,$each);

...and REPLACE with:

$each = str_replace("%PRICE%",$pto_config_currencyHTML.$row->minPrice,$each);

And then look for the following code at line 390 of pto_search.php:

$each = str_replace("%PRICE%",$pto_config_currencyHTML.$row->price,$each);

...and REPLACE with:

$each = str_replace("%PRICE%",$pto_config_currencyHTML.$row->minPrice,$each);
