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Product mapping custom description and image caching

Submitted by Gael on Sat, 2011-10-08 23:13 in


I wrote some custom descriptions with the new Product mapping page but they are not showing on the wordpress product page, do you know what should I change to display them?

Also, I'd like to add image caching as I did on the standard version (, but I really don't know how do to that into the wordpress plugin. Could you help me in this process?

Thanks you very much,

Submitted by support on Sun, 2011-10-09 09:22

Hi Gael,

For custom descriptions; make sure that you re-imported all feeds that may contain the product for which a custom description was added as the custom values are only applied at import time.

Image Caching can be implemented very easily. Assuming that imageCache.php is up and running in your associated Price Tapestry installation folder; the URL to the imageCache.php script can be entered into src attribute of each <img> tag within the Plugin HTML templates that you wish to cache. Taking the main product page as an example, go to wp-admin > Settings > and scroll down to HTML > Product > Main. Within this template you'll find teh following line:

<img class='pto_product_image' src='%IMAGE_URL%' />

So if your Price Tapestry installation with imageCache.php is installed in the /pt/ folder, REPLACE the above with:

<img class='pto_product_image' src='/pt/imageCache.php?src=%IMAGE_URL%' />

Hope this helps!

Submitted by Gael on Sat, 2011-10-15 00:34

Thanks, image caching works perfectly.

For custom descriptions, I have reimported all feeds, but they still don't show. They appear on the db though
Edit: fixed, the problem was in my installation