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How to confiure configure_advanced

Submitted by rssfeeds on Fri, 2011-11-04 11:13 in

My site is on: {link saved}. How do I configure configure_advanced in Pricetapstry to let unzip, gzip and cron jobs to work:

$config_automationUnzipPrograms = array();
$config_automationUnzipPrograms["unzip"] = "?";
$config_automationUnzipPrograms["gzip"] = "?";

$config_CRONPrograms = array();
$config_CRONPrograms["php"] = "?";
$config_CRONPrograms["wget"] = "?";



Submitted by support on Fri, 2011-11-04 11:32

Hi Frank,

The defaults would be the first thing to try; have a go with

  $config_automationUnzipPrograms = array();
  $config_automationUnzipPrograms["unzip"] = "/usr/bin/unzip";
  $config_automationUnzipPrograms["gzip"] = "/bin/gzip";
  $config_CRONPrograms = array();
  $config_CRONPrograms["php"] = "/usr/local/bin/php";
  $config_CRONPrograms["wget"] = "/usr/bin/wget";

However a common alternative for $config_CRONPrograms["php"] is

  $config_CRONPrograms["php"] = "/usr/bin/php";

Browsing to admin > Support Info (of your Price Tapestry installation) will reveal whether the paths are correct or not...
